The SPU advantage
Seattle Pacific is known for developing students of competence and character, as well as for delivering robust academics and relationship-centered learning grounded in Christian faith and values. BSN graduates of Seattle Pacific University are among today’s most sought-after practitioners, expertly prepared to meet the challenges of their fields and serve their communities.
Here, you’ll find faculty members who are committed to preparing you for success in the professional community. This means that personal, individual attention will be a significant part of your academic experience. What’s more, SPU faculty members bring real-world experience to your program, making coursework stimulating and clinically relevant.
You will be part of a cohort that will foster deep learning and enhanced opportunities for student-faculty relationships. Professional nursing is grounded in relationships — with patients, families, peers, and mentors. The smaller class size will help you get to know your faculty better and for them to know you and how you learn.
The Details
Your direct admit offer is contingent upon your continuous full-time attendance at SPU and continually maintaining a 2.85 GPA in the nine nursing-specific pre-requisites AND maintaining an overall SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0 to remain in good standing with the University. All prerequisites must be completed with a minimum grade of “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) to be considered successfully completed. In addition, there can be no more than two repeats of any prerequisite courses due to an earned grade below 2.0 (C- or lower).
Prerequisite courses required prior to entry into Nursing program
☐ General Chemistry CHEM 1310 (5)
☐ Biological Chemistry CHEM 1360 (5)
☐ Human Nutrition FCS 3340 (5)
☐ Human Anatomy & Physiology BIO 2129 (5)
☐ Human Anatomy & Physiology BIO 2130 (5)
☐ General Microbiology BIO 3351 (5)
☐ General Psychology PSY 1180 (5)
☐ Lifespan Developmental Psych PSY 2470 (5)
☐ Statistics: MAT 2360 or MAT 1300 (5)
You will work closely with your academic advisor to plan your program of study — not only for the nursing prerequisites but also for your other general education courses and co-curricular parts of your educational plan.
When do I start?
You will be admitted to the Nursing program as a part of a cohort. We admit a cohort two times a year in Autumn and Winter Quarters. When you start depends on when you complete your prerequisite courses.
Most students complete their prerequisite courses during their first six quarters at SPU. If you have completed at least four prerequisite courses and are on track to complete your prerequisites by the end of Spring Quarter, you can be considered for an Autumn or Winter start. SPU students are assigned randomly to either the Autumn or Winter cohort. You may self-select into the Winter start but not the Autumn start.
Recap the details
Eligibility requirements
- Continuous full-time attendance at SPU and continually maintaining an overall SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0 to remain in good standing with the University
- Achieve a minimum 2.85 GPA in SPU's prerequisite courses, with no single course grade less than 2.0
- No more than two repeats of any prerequisite courses due to a grade below 2.0.
- Entry into the Autumn or Winter cohorts is random placement.
Completion of prerequisite coursework
Autumn or Winter Quarter cohort start:
All 9 courses should be completed by the end of Spring Quarter. If transferring in credits, transcripts must be submitted to SPU by July 15.
Frequently asked questions
Will a Winter Quarter admission affect financial aid?
Because each student’s financial aid is unique to their situation, we recommend you consult with Student Financial Services.
If I am admitted to the Winter cohort, what do I do Autumn Quarter?
- Get a head start and take UCOR 3000 and/or UFDN 3100
Completing these general education courses before starting in the Nursing program frees up time in your schedule for work, elective coursework, or other activities.
- Take classes toward a minor
Many students pursue a minor in Psychology, Communication, Business, or Bioethics. Each is a great complement to nursing.
- Study abroad
Check out the Study Abroad website or make an appointment to chat with them in person.
- Take supplemental classes to benefit and deepen your understanding of the program
Take time to look though the time schedule. Many fascinating classes could relate to the work you’ll do after graduation, like sociology, psychology, health & fitness, business, communications, and especially art and music.